The New Xbox You’ll Find in a Kitchen

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Microsoft dove into the kitchen appliance market with its newest Xbox console. Reports are rolling in that this console runs incredibly hot, but that’s what it’s built for! The new Xbox Series S Toaster is a legitimate kitchen appliance and even comes with a few perks more than your average toaster. The appliance is for sale online at (currently sold out) for $39.99. Now, I don’t often check out the market for toasters, but this sounds like a reasonable price for both function and novelty. Not only is this fun, but it seems to even be practical. Which is a concept that Xbox is not shy of delivering on. When the design for the new Xbox Series X hit the market, the public was quick to compare its likeness to a fridge. Running with that idea, the Xbox Series X Replica Mini Fridge hit shelves about two years ago.


It might seem like an original idea, but Razor was first to the scene with “Project Breadwinner” an April Fools joke that grew legs after fans wholeheartedly backed the idea. For a while, there were reports that the toaster was in development back in 2019, but it doesn’t look like it was ever on the market for the average consumer. 

Looks like the Razer Toaster walked so the Xbox toaster could fly! Xbox Series S toaster comes with a very handy countdown timer and 6 shade settings, plus the usual bagel, defrost, and cancel buttons. It also features an “Auto-Centering Guide” to help you make sure that the Xbox logo gets correctly burned onto the toast! The extra-wide slot will make it easy to get a bagel or thick slice of Texas toast perfectly golden brown in between games. Now all we need is a hotplate and a microwave to construct a full Xbox kitchen!

Replies • 11

LOL Mini mix drink bar next please! I mean for like powdered energy drinks



Xbox toaster and mini-fridge, never thought I'd see the day


Enjoys a Good Drink

what next using the heat from your computer to bake, or give it a skillet top so you can make breakfast. 



Just for the heck of it, I looked this up on and it came up as $86 and some change. I wouldn't buy it anyways, but had to check it out.