Correlation between bonus game score and winnings? Also is there a search on here? I'm new and have a lot of questions that have certainly been asked and answered but I don't see a search. Is there a subreddit or anything?
0 / 240
11.18.2024 22:42:34 - mterme -
Better to join Alienware on Discord and read the arena-chat section:
11.18.2024 22:45:16 - mterme -
Also, no correlation between score and prizes in the daily quest games. Just score the minimum if a bonus game requires it.
11.19.2024 06:55:39 - j​k -
There's a search icon at the top of the page but it pretty much only searches the forums, which AWA helpfully deleted 80% of when Relay was launched
11.19.2024 14:02:59 - louvelyn -
The place for questions is definitely the Discord! Even if you don't want to talk to people, you'll already find most of the answers in the pinned posts in the various channels of the Arena section. General chat, Artifacts, Community events
11.19.2024 14:05:02 - louvelyn -
For the game, you usually need to reach a minimum to raise your chances for the max prize, but in the end the result is mostly RNG. Sometimes you'll get the minimum for a high score, sometimes the max despite throwing the game immediately.
11.20.2024 08:22:37 - Haberich -
warum kann sich die seite meine logindaten nicht merken obwohl das Häkchen gesetzt ist?
11.20.2024 18:30:05 - mterme -
@Haberich Do you use a system cleaner utility like CCleaner? They will most often delete cookies that stores login info.