How do you equip artefact ? I have 3 "No artifact equipped" slot. I have 20 artefacts ans 2 fragments. I can't personalize my avatar either. Changes are not saved
MysteriousMrX - 03.14.2024 18:40:33
Only Chaotic artifacts can be equipped. You can pick some up some cheap starter ones in the marketplace
MysteriousMrX - 03.14.2024 18:41:45
MeguminShiro has a nice overview of Artifacts and Fragments in a FAQ here:
MysteriousMrX - 03.14.2024 18:42:48
Better artifacts show up in the marketplace from time to time, or through events, or other means, so you just have to sit tight and wait for those.
styvnel - 03.14.2024 18:44:24
MysteriousMrX - 03.14.2024 18:52:03
The Scion of Light (Twitch Quest starter artifact) can be upgraded one level (thanks to them rewarding us for voting in an awards thing), so you may want to upgrade that one; though, there's a good chance we may see a new artifact in April.
MysteriousMrX - 03.14.2024 18:54:08
Oh, and it's well worth buying the extra fragments in the marketplace while they're available, to have them stockpiled for when a good artifact comes up that's worth upgrading.
louvelyn - 03.15.2024 20:04:29
For the avatar, the thing is you can only actually equip (and so, save) what you have actually acquired (from events or marketplace). All the stuff that's there but you didn't get yourself, is a bug essentially & not really there.