5 arp for a 30 minute questionaire, wtf alienware?????
easyrhino - 03.10.2025 17:07:00
the warranty one? it didn't take me that long. However, I thought it was amusing buggly. Let's say I used "too high" and "too low" to quickly center on a price lieki $100. but then it keeps asking me random higher prices?
Andr8k - 03.10.2025 17:27:06
2 times I did it, no arp at all for me....time in ass
krishtian - 03.10.2025 17:33:59
@Andr8k use left mouse click instead of right
Aardvarkk1 - 03.10.2025 17:48:42
terrible survey
_Azrael_ - 03.10.2025 18:49:45
Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to pass then.
AllTracTurbo - 03.10.2025 21:58:17
I left the page open for a bit, closed it and saw I didn't get ARP yet. Opened it again and left it open again for a couple minutes and then I had the 5 ARP. I didn't fill anything out.
perberos - 03.11.2025 01:37:24
I have not received anything at all. rip
Bobbydog66 - 03.11.2025 06:01:52
I just wish dell and alienware could offer what hp does, where if the amount of time the warranty is for passes, and you don't use it, you get the money back.
Zartan88 - 03.11.2025 08:53:02
Yeah, can't say I was impressed with 5 arp for that rubbish, $500 for a 1 year warranty? uh - NO!
maramire - 03.11.2025 11:59:34
It took you a 1/2 hr? lol