Could anybody expleain, please, how to get the achievement Lone Wolf. I have added already two friends, but didn`t get the achievement. One of them has added me too.
Aradiel. - 02.21.2025 06:43:24
They have to add you back.
tessai10 - 02.21.2025 07:31:47
@Freedome Add me, i will do it too
tessai10 - 02.21.2025 07:37:25
@Aradiel. Yes but no one wants to add in return =O
Aradiel. - 02.21.2025 07:42:17
I think people organized a forum thing where everyone added everyone to get the achievements for 10 friends.
Aradiel. - 02.21.2025 07:49:40
Not active anymore. If you got enough people interested in doing it though, it would still work.
FLYeRNeT - 02.21.2025 08:30:36
Am I wrong or this achievement is useless ?
Freedome - 02.21.2025 08:40:51
@FLYeRNeT Fristly I need to know why adding doesn`t work for my account.
Freedome - 02.21.2025 08:43:16
@tessai10 done
MARSM4N - 02.21.2025 09:58:26
Interesting, thought the achievement is broken. I am in, let's add each other. :)
Freedome - 02.21.2025 10:11:13
@MARSM4N let`s go