Come on yall we can do this! I know Christmas is almost here, some of us are tired, and we got 2 more days left of the event, the sooner we get this done the sooner we can finish this and earn 5 fragments to upgrade our Artifacts, keep on going gamers!

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jsrandomnumbers - 12.21.2024 22:30:49
2408 hours to go in one day. I finally believe we can do it! I'll have to wait for the calendar fragments now though, as I foolishly spent 2 frags upgrading the 1arp market discount artifact, so I can't afford the last level of chai stones.
easyrhino - 12.22.2024 01:11:15
I'm doing my part!!
Thalatash - 12.22.2024 02:45:13
6633 hours to go with only a day left. I was at 87 hours, but I put it back on idle because this one might come down to the wire!