Why did the Forums turn into this "Relay Shit"?
This is so annoying when the quest tells you to go to the forums and the "forums" no longer exist.
bcdusk2 - 02.18.2024 02:38:51
Go here
TurdFerguson87 - 02.18.2024 02:39:04
This is NOT the forums. The forums are on a different page. They do exist.
HermeticRaven - 02.18.2024 05:12:39
They want to reinvent Twitter.
NodOff - 02.18.2024 05:30:35
IDK why people are pointing out that the forum still technically exists, even if buried.... But you can't create new topics anymore, so it's nearly nonexistent.
NodOff - 02.18.2024 05:33:21
It seems fairly obvious that the direction they have been taking the site, over the last 10 years, has been to focus on sponsored engagement, and moving away from community.
KaosEngineer - 02.18.2024 11:54:23
How do you add a new post to the forums? There's no create a post link to add a new post.
PCR - 02.18.2024 18:44:25
Yup, welcome to AlienwareTwitter :x
NodOff - 02.18.2024 19:11:20
@KaosEngineer You can't. You can respond to threads that were created in the past, but no one can create new topics.
Totouroboros - 02.19.2024 03:00:42
I can't even post, it gives me an error about some CSRF token not being valid
Pylawn - 02.19.2024 16:58:39
Hey! So to answer some of this, with some transparency, the Forums were starting to die plain and simple. A lot of people on the internet now, didn't grow up with Forums, so they would come to the site, see something they didn't understand