
Classic Gamer

Sad :(
0 / 240
07.29.2024 12:43:54 - Tali.Zorah -
Can you stop posting about these? Your country or you isn't allowed in community giveaways. Besides, you can buy a key for this game for cheap if you really wanted the game. But that's not the point isn't it. The point is for you to...
07.29.2024 12:45:09 - Tali.Zorah -
... to complain every time you want to enter in a community giveaway and you are forbidden from entering.
07.30.2024 00:26:38 - CarlosRuisu -
i will "stand" and "support"everyone with this issue, if you don't want help or support PLEASE IGNORE! (is not against the rules of community report this situation)
07.30.2024 16:20:15 - Fruit Punch Samurai -
@CarlosRuisu - It's hard to help when you won't tell us from which nation you are trying to participate.
07.31.2024 01:31:02 - CarlosRuisu -
Very thanks for polite answer @Fruit%20Punch%20Samurai , just do as open as possible you can, to everyone participate, i had friends from others countries