What do you expect from Counter strike 2?

  • 6

1. New game modes

2. New main menu

3. New interface

4. New operation

5. new case

6. Danger Zone update

7. Better Lighting, Better Skins

8. New Agents and Patches

What was once a dream has become a reality. Counter-Strike 2 has finally been announced and as expected, the community went nuclear. It wasn’t only for the exciting new gameplay features but also for the graphics improvements that make the somewhat dated 2012 CS:GO look more like a modern AAA title.

The graphics improvements have made everything look brighter and crisper through the use of new lighting and rendering techniques. This has had a major impact on skins and translated into hype among the dedicated skins community that has skyrocketed prices like never before.

The prices have largely continued to increase daily and while there are many unanswered questions from the community on whether to buy or sell, the real question is, what’s the limit and how has the market changed overall?

Along with skins and stickers, agent models, cases and even patches have been affected by CS2, with most items receiving a healthy bump.

For example, the Bayonet Frog Patch exploded from $30 to currently selling at around ~$112 while the price peaked at $225 briefly. Sir Bloody Miami Darryl, Cmdr. Davida 'Goggles' Fernandez and many other agents have jumped in price overnight after CS2 was revealed, due to agent models also receiving a visual boost.


What changes you would like to seen in cs2. Comment below Thank you for reading.



Replies • 5

I would like for them to release a new operation with Cs. 2 and also to go back to the old operations style where you had missions against bots and you were not forced to play their boring game modes just to get a few stars and eventually get a 20 grey drops :|.

Merisor said: 9h

I would like for them to release a new operation with Cs. 2 and also to go back to the old operations style where you had missions against bots and you were not forced to play their boring game modes just to get a few stars and eventually get a 20 grey drops :|.

Ya I also hate playing competitive matches during operation.


The possibility of '3' released by Valve? Before CS: GO there was CS: Source but this new one is 2...

sengda2000 said: 10h

The possibility of '3' released by Valve? Before CS: GO there was CS: Source but this new one is 2...

Valvle have never release the version 3 example dota2, tf2, halflife2 now cs2 seem like they hate number 3.

ShadowCS2Tv said: 7d
sengda2000 said: 10h

The possibility of '3' released by Valve? Before CS: GO there was CS: Source but this new one is 2...

Valvle have never release the version 3 example dota2, tf2, halflife2 now cs2 seem like they hate number 3.

In valve's defense we did get HL alyx so we could see a continuation of HL series. Maybe....