Unlock the Exclusive Alienware Skin in Bang On Balls!
Please find all the details below, in the special message from the Bang-On Balls: Chronicles devs:
We know how important it is to have the ability to personalize your character and make it truly your own. With the new Alien costume, you can do just that! We are confident that you will love the way it looks and feels in Bang-On Balls: Chronicles!
Our friends and partners from Alienware are providing some great high-quality equipment for gaming! We got inspired to create an awesome in-game skin which looks like a badass alien and we decided to dedicate it to Alienware!
That being said, the skin is all for you!
So how do you get this incredible skin?
First thing's first, head over to the Arcade!
Then, once you're there, find the Gumball Machine and enter the code 8820 by jumping on the numbers, and that's it - You'll win your very own Alienware Costume! If you need help finding this, be sure to tune into our Twitch stream on Wednesday, April 26th at 1pm ET to join Jon and Javi with some of our team as we have some fun in game.
If you like the skin let us know on our Discord and send us some screenshots from the game!
Have a great day!
So, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on a copy of Bang-On Balls: Chronicles while it’s still available with a whopping 50% discount on Steam, and rock this awesome Alienware look!