Team Fortress 2 Announces Summer Update

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While Team Fortress 2 (TF2) has been out for over 15 years, the player counts have managed to stay healthy and active. This is, in part, thanks to the active Steam Workshop modding community that is helping to keep the game viable and vibrant. The game hit low points over the past decade where Valve had more or less let it collect dust, leading to massive issues with cheaters and bots; fans of the game rallied to ask Valve for better dev-side support of the title, and after a bot-purge last year, this latest update announcement is another bright spot for longtime fans.

Valve's update blog is brief, so while you're free to cruise over to the Team Fortress website to read it there, I'll post it here (and bold the highlights) for curious readers.


Steam Workshop Creators, can we have your attention please. The following message is so urgent, so time-sensitive, we made the executive decision to skip TikTok and Twitter entirely and break the glass on the most bleeding-edge communication technology available.

Welcome to the future. Welcome… to a "blog-post".

"Wow!" you're probably thinking. "I forgot how hard reading is!" Yeah, it's scary how fast you lose that. Don't worry, we'll be brief:

The last few Team Fortress summer events have only been item updates. But this year, we're planning on shipping a full-on update-sized update — with items, maps, taunts, unusual effects, war paints and who knows what else?! Which means we need Steam Workshop content! YOUR Steam Workshop content!

So get to work! (Or back to work, if you were already working but got distracted when the entire internet simultaneously found out about this state-of-the-art blog-post.) Make sure to get your submissions into the Steam Workshop by May 1st, so they can be considered for this as-yet-unnamed, un-themed, but still very exciting summer-situated (but not summer-themed) (unless you wanted to develop summer-themed stuff) update.


While it seems implied that the community has the onus of actually building out these mods for the update, it's nice to see that Valve wants to uplift and credit these creators and make them part of the game's ecosystem. This isn't the first time Valve has encouraged users to mod and has given them the "keys to the castle" so to speak, but this is an especially large update and ask that will usher in new players and new life into the classic title.

Are any Aliens here part of the Modding community? Think you'll shoot your shot to be part of Valve's official update? Let me know in the comments!

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