'Risk of Rain Returns' is a final farewell from the original devs
Risk of Rain is easily one of the top indie games to be released, with its sequel Risk of Rain 2 being an equally impressive title. Now, the 2013 roguelike action-platformer is being "beautifully remastered" in a new iteration (Risk of Rain Returns) that promises new survivors, secrets, artifacts, stage variants, expanded multiplayer services, and more. New HD pixel art, as well as the audio effects and music, have been updated and expanded. Among the new additions to the game, some have been pulled from Risk of Rain 2 while others are completely original additions made custom for this remaster.
"Risk of Rain Returns is a whole new game and an upgraded experience from the original Risk of Rain," Hopoo community manager Jonathan Cheetham said in today's announcement video. "Don't think of this as just a lick of paint on an old classic... Risk of Rain Returns completely overhauls the original and introduces a ton of new content. It has an upgraded code base so we will be able to continue to update and add to the game with features that weren't previously possible."
Many fans were unsure of Risk of Rain's future after Gearbox purchased the IP back in November, however, Hopoo Games (OG devs) will have complete creative control over Risk of Rain Returns. After this game releases, it'll be up to Gearbox how they handle the IP in the future.
Risk of Rain Returns is set to release at some point in 2023. Some fans have speculated that a November release to pair with Risk of Rain's 10th anniversary would be the safest bet.
Those curious about what this new Risk of Rain game has to offer can watch the official announcement video here. What are your thoughts on the iconic indie having a rebirth? I've seen mixed feelings, so let me know down below if you'll try it out!