I mostly enjoy playing single player games, open world rpg games, horror games, also some fps games when I am bored.
Here is my steam curator if anyone is okay to follow and see my progress of beating my backlog:
Made a steam curator as my personal way of finding the motivation of beating my backlog of games. Mainly a hobby.
Equipped Artifacts
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Scion of the Light: 2nd Sighting

Pn295 Collapsed Star

Chai Stone H`erkow Display
Following (friends)
- of
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Killing Floor 3 got delayed to undecided date later in 2025. Apparently people did not enjoy the closed beta. Hopefully it gets better with the delay. KF1 and 2 are fun games.
Very impressive vault this month.
Almost half an hour passed. Only 2 game out of stock. And technically Return to Moria was given away free on Epic Games Store. So chances are many of us might have it on EGS.
This year I played "Kingdom Come Deliverance" for the first time. And this game is one of the perfect example of why I like gaming. Be it the unique directional combat, the world, lovable npc and main character Henry, I love and adore everything about the game.
You may sometimes notice post where the question is what 1 game can you enjoy forever and for me, I finally found that game that I truly feel I can play a long long time. I am eagerly waiting for KCD2 which is releasing on February next year.

100% success rate in Word Fury daily quest

Inside you there are two wolves (part 2); credits to kovec's comment

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Ultimate Quester


Alienware Arena Loves You

Lover of Games

Knower of Something